Sunday, April 20, 2008

What is the difference between IMC and IC, if any???

After joining PR Open Mic and starting to explore the possibilities to get the most out of it, I decided to join the group "Ask Phil". A question that had been flickering in my head after reading some blog posts of two Latvian public relations professionals - Jānis Riņķis, the board director of Public Relations Holding and Iveta Antonišķe, the director of Eksodus Integrated Communications should somehow be either answered or discussed; What is the difference between Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and Integrated Communications (IC), if any???
Unfortunately, their posts are in latvian, so shortly - the first one was declaring that PR is the same as Integrated Communications, but, because of the fact that Public Relations name has been worn out and battered in a way, the concept of Integrated Communications has been developed by the same PR people just to "refresh" the situation. (Mr. Jānis Riņķis was refering to Edward Louis Bernays, with the notion that he replaced the word propoganda with the word public relations and started practising it as a seperate field). So, the second professional replied in her blogpost that IC is NOT the same as PR...
Iveta Antonišķe implied that IMC are more used by those working in advertising field, whereas IC are more practiced by public relations people. This is because IMC is targeting only external publics and public relations has too small role in this gap, meanwhile IC is covering both - internal and external audiences, which is then the royal chair for PR. Just like that! As far as my understanding stretches...IC and PR are VERY closely related to each other, especially nowadays, when social media is EVERYWHERE!!! So, my question would be - what is your understanding of these concepts? The thesis and the "explanation of theory" portray incompatibility, to my opinion...


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura

in deed if you look at the business cards of many practitioners nowadays, they rather contain the term "communications" than "Public Relations". So it seems there is a "fashion" drive behind that change, too. And as we keep our publics entertained, why shouldn't we change the clothes from time to time ourselves?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to mention who posted the one above, it's me Rudiger

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